In less than six months, the event that has focused South Africa 's energy for over five years will kick off, and the country will find itself in the global spotlight as never before. It was with this in mind that South African Tourism set out to capture the nation's spirit in a dance. And so the Diski Dance was born.
"Diski" is common South African slang for the game of football, and the Diski Dance is a uniform routine that showcases the country's passion for the sport. The dance is based on what Wendy Ramokgadi, the choreographer of the Diski Dance, calls "our own township football style".
"The whole idea was that we needed to come up with something that is truly South African," says Ramokgadi. "Our country's football is rhythmic, and so all the moves that we use in the dance are those same moves that are used on the South African football pitch, moves you can only find in our country.
"The Diski Dance is one of the things I am most proud of, I really am excited about it," says Ramokgadi. 'When these people come to our country, let them come and feel the rhythm of Africa . We must just work, wear, eat, sleep the Diski Dance." Watch how Ramokgadi demonstrates the dance here.
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