Thursday, March 18, 2010

7 Wonders of the World

Level : Form 1 (Beginner - Intermediate)
Time : 1 Hour
Topic : 7 Wonders of the World
Aims : To find specific information on a Website and present the information to the class.
Technical Requirements : One computer per group of 2-3 students with an Internet and a Web Browser.
Preparation : 1) Locate sites dedicated to Seven Wonders of the World
                     2) Using the information on the site, prepare the worksheet.

Procedure :

Activity 1 (15 mins)

  1. Ask the students about the Seven Wonders of the World and write it down on the board. Ask them if they know where the locations of the Seven Wonders are.
  2. Give the worksheet to each student. Ask them to fill in the blanks without searching for the answers using the Internet yet. Then, asks the students if they can complete all the Seven Wonders correctly without relying on the Internet. If the students manage to answer all, they deserve one extra mark.
  3. Send the students to the sites chosen, and ask them to complete the worksheet while making sure of their previous answers.  
  4. After everyone has finished locating and completing all the tasks, discuss the results together.
Activity 2 (25 mins)

  1. Since there are seven wonders of the world, the students need to form into seven groups. Each group will be assigned to different wonders of the world. 
  2. Ask the students to search the information of their assigned Wonders of the World through the Internet and find out as much information as they can by referring to the second and third websites provided earlier. 
  3. Then, the students have to discuss among the group members of five questions that are constructed based on their findings using the WH-questions. The teacher will guide them by giving one example and write it on the board. 
  4. Teacher monitors the progress.
Activity 3 (20 mins)

  1. Once everyone is ready with the information on the Seven Wonders of the World and also the five questions based on the assigned topic, they have to swap their questions to the group next to them. 
  2. Each group will receive a different topic and a set of questions which are related. Then, they are required to answer the questions based on the information given.
  3. After everyone has finished answering the questions, the teacher will ask for one representative to read aloud the questions and their answers. 
  4. Teachers discusses the answers together with the students.
Follow-Up :
  1. In a group of 3-4, the students are needed to produce a mini album of the Seven Wonders of the World. In each page of the album, they are required to put a photo with a brief description of the Seven Wonders. They can ask the information from the other group as well. The sky is the limit of their creativity. 
  2. They are given one week to accomplish the task.

Worksheet 1

note : the picture has blurry effect therefore it will distort the students' view and need more time for guessing

Monday, March 8, 2010

Hypertext & Hypermedia

In less than six months, the event that has focused South Africa's energy for over five years will kick off, and the country will find itself in the global spotlight as never before. It was with this in mind that South African Tourism set out to capture the nation's spirit in a dance. And so the Diski Dance was born.  

"Diski" is common South African slang for the game of football, and the Diski Dance is a uniform routine that showcases the country's passion for the sport. The dance is based on what Wendy Ramokgadi, the choreographer of the Diski Dance, calls "our own township football style".

"The whole idea was that we needed to come up with something that is truly South African," says Ramokgadi. "Our country's football is rhythmic, and so all the moves that we use in the dance are those same moves that are used on the South African football pitch, moves you can only find in our country. 

"The Diski Dance is one of the things I am most proud of, I really am excited about it," says Ramokgadi. 'When these people come to our country, let them come and feel the rhythm of Africa. We must just work, wear, eat, sleep the Diski Dance." Watch how Ramokgadi demonstrates the dance here

Article Review

  1. Citation
    1. Title : The Effectiveness of Customized Courseware in Teaching Grammar
Link  : (Malaysia).doc
    1. Journal : Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2009) INTI University College, Malaysia
    2. Author : Faizah Mohamad (Universiti Teknologi Mara, Terengganu)
                Nazeri Mohamad Amin (Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia)
  1. Summary
    1. Research : The Effectiveness of Customized Courseware in Teaching Grammar
                                                              i.      The aims of the research
                                                            ii.      The methodology
                                                          iii.      The subject/sample
                                                           iv.      The findings of the research

               Over the years the use of technology is not an alien to us anymore because we have become accustomed to it. We easily become besotted by the easiest and fastest way to accomplish our tasks and become very dependent to computers and internet. Typewriters are long forgotten and so do sending conventional letters. The new generation babies are more likely to send an email to inform their latest updates rather than writing one in a piece of foolscap paper. The wonderful thing about the technology is that there is no ending to its usage and it is more engaging and interesting as compared to the traditional pen and paper method. From there, schools started to implement technology in the classroom learning in order to excite and grab the attention of the youngsters. Gazillion numbers of software are flooding the market to guide the students in learning their subject matters. Some students may face the difficulties in learning English because it is not their mother tongue which is why certain schools introduced the usage of software in teaching English in the classroom. This is a mean to grasp the students’ attention because it is more fun and interesting to learn using software rather than using chalk and talk only.

               This research has been done by Dr. Faizah Mohamad and her partner Tn. Hj. Nazeri Mohamad Amin and presented during the proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2009) at INTI University College, Malaya. The research focuses on the effectiveness of customized software in teaching grammar. Since readily available software in the market are said not to be suitable to the local young Malaysian learners’ needs therefore this study will investigate whether a customized software specially developed for young learners is effective in teaching specific grammatical items or not. There are two questions that they are trying to find out which are i) Is teaching grammar by using computer more effective than teaching grammar by traditional method? and ii) Do the effects of using computer as compared to using traditional method vary with the different grammatical items? The methodology of this research was done based on a quasi experimental research where two groups were assigned as a control group and an experimental group. According to Barry & Herman (1997), quasi-experimental designs are commonly employed in the evaluation of educational programs when random assignment is not possible or practical. In this study, the researcher has chosen to employ the non equivalent pretest posttest control group design. Earlier, the researcher had assessed the knowledge of the students in both groups before treatment was conducted to them during the pretest stage. It was carried out in that manner in order to determine that the students should have same ability in the mastery of knowledge of the grammatical items selected. Based on the research paper, it stated that the posttest was administered to both groups after the treatment was given to the experimental group. The sample for the research was students from one elementary school in Terengganu. According to the research, there were 40 participants: 20 were in a treatment group which was called the experimental group and another 20 was in the control group. The students were mostly come from the Malay village nearby and they were in the two top classes of Year 5 students in that school.

               Based from the findings, it is illustrated that teaching grammar using computer is more effective than teaching grammar using the traditional method. Therefore with the advancement of the technology, better software can be produced and integrated in teaching grammar in the classroom. As for the second research question, the findings shown that teaching present tense by using the computer is as effective as using the traditional method. However, the students learnt better specifically for past tense when the researcher used the computer rather than the chalk and talk method.

  1. Reflections/Reactions
    1. Research : The Effectiveness of Customized Courseware in Teaching  Grammar
                                                              i.      Does the research interest you?
                                                            ii.      Do you think the research well conducted? If not, how do you think it can be improved?
                                                          iii.      What is/are the implication(s) of the research in the teaching and learning ESL (in the general and Malaysian context)

               The research manages to captivate my interest because of it is done in Malaysia and focusing specifically on Malaysian context. The chances to relate to my perspectives and experiences are better as compared to other researches in different countries. Although computers and technology are no longer new to us because it has been implemented in our country more than ten years ago, senior teachers may have difficulties to inculcate the technology into the classroom. Besides that, the lacking of the facilities and equipment in schools is also one of the limitations on why it is hard to enforce technology into teaching. It is easier to depend on the blackboard that is always there waiting in the classroom rather than trying to plug in the cables and wires and find out it is not working. In consequence to that, the lesson is unsuccessful and time is wasted just like that. The hassle to use technology in the classroom is one of the reasons why I dislike utilizing it during my practicum.

               It is very obvious that using computers are greater because of the interactive and innovative visuals, graphic images, animations, sounds, automatic feedbacks, videos and lots more. Grammar lessons especially will become more effective, motivating and interesting according to the research. The students will also feel less inferior to the structures and syntax because the animations and pictures are welcoming them to try it out. The research is well conducted because the researchers were the ones who came out with the customized software in order to test out their hypothesis. When they had the hands on experience to do the software, they would know what the weaknesses on the software itself were. Therefore, they could find ways to improve the software in order to fascinate and influence the students to learn grammar interactively and effectively. Besides that, the researchers also had conducted pretest on the sample so that all of them were in the same level of mastery.   

               One of the implications of the study is that the teachers do not have the skills and competency to teach Grammar using the customized software. How is the teacher supposed to teach and explain to the students when he or she has vague idea how to use the software? According to Faizah & Nazeri (2009), the training of teacher in teaching using computer should be done on a regular basis. This means that the school administration must come up with systematic training courses to prepare the teachers for this new challenge in classroom teaching. Another implication is that not every school is fully equipped with the computers and technology. Hence, it is a hassle to use the software using portable devices because it takes more to time to set it up and the limited numbers of the devices also cause problems to the teachers. Fortunately, the ministry is always on the go to improve the situations faced by the teachers, students and schools. Our county has embarked on various ICT initiatives, including professional development courses for educators, administrators, school heads and teachers to develop computer literacy (New Strait Times, 2010). All in all, it is always depending on ourselves whether we want to change for the better or not.

  1. References

Gribbons, B. & Herman, J. (1997). True and quasi-experimental designs. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 5(14). Retrieved February 26, 2010 from

Unknown (2010). Education ‘best defence for ills’. New Strait Times Online. Retrieved February 26, 2010 from